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Brown Roofing’s 86% Set Rate – Conversion, Expansion, and Cross-Promotion with Kevin Luchun

About This Webinar

Over the last two years, Brown Roofing has seen success in expanding into new counties, raising the bar for speed to lead, unlocking new revenue from cross-promotion, and more. There’s a lot to learn from them.

So in this webinar, we’re interviewing their Marketing Director Kevin Luchun on the tools and tactics that helped him get there, as well as his strategies for the coming year.

Tune in for insights on:
• His 86% set rate, with over 26 different lead sources
• Hatch and AccuLynx integration best practices
• Strategies for expansion, branding, and cross-selling
• With interactive Q&A

This webinar is designed to add value for all — whether you’re a current Hatch and/or AccuLynx user, a potential user, a roofing company, or a marketing leader in any industry. Register now!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Kristen McCormick
Head of Marketing, Hatch
Webinar hosting presenter
Marketing Director, Brown Roofing
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior Marketing Manager, AccuLynx
Attended (55)