Join us to hear information about Rapid Hair Drug Testing, a new innovative drug testing technology, and how the results are Improving Outcomes. The ability to test hair for drugs combined with the affordability and speed of an Instant test device has finally made hair testing accessible for use in more drug testing situations. While hair detects drugs 60% more of the time compared to urine, rapid hair testing is not just a tool to “catch” people abusing drugs. It changes the conversation officers, case workers, counselors, and judges have with their clients, who finally have to be honest and accountable about their drug use. By having timely information that was being missed by other testing methods, people can get connected with treatment they need. It can improve outcomes for the clients, the families, and the program overall. Get an overview of how the test is administered, test panels available, cutoffs, and confirmatory methods. Also hear directly from a Probation Department in Texas how rapid hair testing was implemented and the impact it has made.