This virtual event provides insights how founders of finance startups approach sales, what challenges they encounter and how they resolve them.
Manuel Hartmann
Founder SalesPlaybook
Manuel built up https://thesalesplaybook.io/ to help founders of B2B Tech Startups who are dissatisfied with their current market traction with a Sales Accelerator to help growing faster profitably.
Dimitri Wolski
Founder Profit Trolls
Dimitri founded https://profittrolls.com/ to support scaleups and SMEs with a "CFO as a service" offering.
Dominique Sigrist
Founder xelligence
Dominique founded https://xelligence.ch/ to help controllers thinking beyond dashboards
Salman Knezevic
Founder knefi.com
Salman founded his first own company https://www.knefi.com still during his studies to support Swiss SMEs and startups with entrepreneurial but diligent, affordable accounting services.
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