Dr. Paula shares her compelling story of a near death experience, details about her new book, Theosynthesis and things you can do to stay "safe" in the reality of Covid-19.
Dr. Paula McDonald
Dr. Paula McDonald brings her lifelong experiences, challenges, and God-moments to life to all she meets. Along with a bachelor of science degree in Biology, a Master’s and Ph.D. degree in Theology, Dr. McDonald speaks from authority regarding science and the Bible.
As a former educator and having been awarded the coveted Christa McAuliffe Teaching Excellent Award for the State of Texas, Dr. McDonald uses her expertise as an instructor and has the ability to bring difficult topics to life.
A dynamic speaker who resonates with a variety of audiences because of the ability to relate to others in a personal and light-hearted manner. Despite the incredible health challenges Dr. McDonald has experienced, her message to LIV2DAY will inspire you to get up and keep going in the midst of any storm.