This is the 1-Day Video Webinar version of the Huna Intro Workshop. We cover the same content as the in-person Workshop, it just means you can take part from the comfort of your own home.
  • What is Huna and why choose it as a path?
  • The Huna Lineage and ancient history
  • The power and impact of the Huna Symbols
  • Real life experiences of Huna Magic
  • Huna Symbols Experiential Session and Energy Clearings
  • Introduction to Higher Self Therapy and Ho'oponopono
  • The Huna Waking Meditation
  • The Basic Ahi Ritual for Releasing
  • Practical Huna Processes you can incorporate into your daily life
  • Access Consciousness Belief Change Session
  • Marilyn_devonish_profile_picture_bw
    Marilyn Devonish
    The NeuroSuccess Coach
    Marilyn Devonish first encountered Huna in October 2000 and a profound experience.

    She studied Huna in Hawaii on the 'Big Island' of Kona.

    Huna and its power to heal and have an impact from great distances has been a firm favourite of her Breakthrough Coaching clients for the past 19 years.