Day 1, session 2 will see Jonathan Taylor, Online Safety Consultant at Be Safe Online look at digital safety in the 2020s and beyond.
Jonathan will take a look at the kind of online world we have now and what kind of future we would like to see. He will provide a guide to current social media platforms, chat facilities, live streaming and apps and an understanding of how children and young people’s online behaviour is evolving and how professionals can keep up.
1.00pm | OVERVIEW - Keynote 1: How can we keep up with digital safety and whose responsibility is it? - Baroness Beeban Kidron
1.50pm | Virtual exhibition and networking break
2.10pm | Digital safety in the 2020s...and beyond - Jonathan Taylor
JONATHAN TAYLOR worked within Law Enforcement 30 years, for 8 years Jonathan specialized in online internet investigations gaining knowledge in online offender behaviour. Graduating with an MSc in Criminology / Criminal Psychology, Jonathan...