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SRE+VSM = A Direct Line to Customer Experience

About This Webinar

SREs are a digital value stream’s front line into what the customer is doing, seeing and reacting to on a day-to-day basis. Value Stream Management (VSM) puts the customer front and center of everything that we do; delighted customers are the beating heart of a thriving organization. Therefore, SRE practitioners must share their observations for the value stream to understand what’s driving customer behavior.

Combining SRE with VSM gives SREs unparalleled insights into what value outcomes matter to their customers and the tools to respond to customer needs directly—and SRE comments, thoughts and feedback get immediately put into the value stream. The SRE can represent the customer's needs, wants and wishes directly into the value stream, further optimizing the efficacy of the value stream by more directly incorporating customer needs.

Join Helen Beal, value stream expert, and Shivagami Gugan, Group CTO at IDC Technologies, along with Bob Davis, CMO of Plutora, to find out how SREs positively affect flow and realization, and how Value Stream Management principles and practices can be the missing link in maximizing customer experience.

Who can view: People who registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Host - Techstrong Learning
Webinar hosting presenter
Chief Ambassador - DevOps Institute
Helen Beal is a DevOps and Ways of Working coach, Chief Ambassador at DevOps Institute and an ambassador for the Continuous Delivery Foundation. She is the Chair of the Value Stream Management Consortium and provides strategic advisory services. She hosts the Day-to-Day DevOps webinar series for BrightTalk, speaks regularly on DevOps topics and is a DevOps editor for InfoQ. She regularly appears in TechBeacon’s DevOps Top100 lists and was recognized as the Top DevOps Evangelist 2020 in the DevOps Dozen awards.
Webinar hosting presenter
DevOps, Site Reliability Engineering & Cloud Architecture Evangelist - IDC Technologies
Shivagami is a Technologist and Aviation Specialist with experience in transforming large teams. Having built Organizational strategies and led the Software Engineering and Infrastructure functions in a large mission-critical environment for a number of years, she is currently leading the transformation of companies to DevOps/SRE ways of working. She is a pragmatic Technology Transformation Leader who seeks to apply Reliability Engineering and Cloud Architecture in delivering business value, and transforming business for long-standing growth and sustainability.
Webinar hosting presenter
Chief Marketing Officer - Plutora
Bob brings to Plutora more than 30 years of engineering, marketing and sales management experience with high technology organizations from emerging start-ups to global 500 corporations. Before joining Plutora, Bob was the Chief Marketing Officer at Atlantis Computing, a provider of Software Defined and Hyper Converged solutions for enterprise customers. He has propelled company growth at data storage and IT management companies including Kaseya (co-founder, acquired by Insight Venture Partners), Sentilla, CA, Netreon (acquired by CA), Novell and Intel.
Hosted By
Techstrong Learning webinar platform hosts SRE+VSM = A Direct Line to Customer Experience
Techstrong is an Omniversal media company covering IT industries and practices that are re-shaping the world of technology. Specifically, DevOps, Cloud Native, Cybersecurity and Digital Transformation are the communities we live in.
Attended (88)