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Macromolecular crystallography at SPring-8

About This Webinar

Four of the RIKEN beamlines are set to serve particular challenges of structural biology: high throughput of samples, BioSAXS investigations, and dealing with micro-sized crystals.
In this webinar, Dr. Kunio Hirata, a senior scientist at SPring-8, will present the RIKEN macromolecule crystallography beamlines, with the focus on the BL32XU – the highest flux density beamline, used for microcrystal diffraction. He will give insights in experimental setups and data collection techniques, and highlight some recent publications.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
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General manager DECTRIS Japan
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior scientist at SPring-8
Webinar hosting presenter
Product Manager Synchrotron at DECTRIS
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