With Micro Focus' acquisition of Quality Center, testers need a modern, robust platform for their enterprise companies. Join us for a deep dive into why testers should consider switching from Quality Center to QASymphony's qTest platform.
Business & finance
Professional development
Science & tech
Market Trends — What new developments are shaping the way teams work?
Common Migration Challenges — What hurdles are typically faced in a migration?
Migration Methods — What options does QASymphony recommend for migration?
Migration Best Practices — How are leading companies making the switch?
Business & finance
Professional development
Science & tech
Wednesday, November 29, 2017 · 2:00 p.m.
Duration: 1 hour
Who can attend?Everyone
Webinar ID:e488c89301d1
Dial-in available?
(listen only):Yes.
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Please register for this Webinar to view the dial-in info.
Lewis is a Test Product Specialist at Clearvision, providing training and support for qTest. He has a wealth of technical expertise in testing and is always looking for ways to expand and pass on this knowledge.
Craig is a qTest Specialist at Clearvision, focusing specifically on QASymphony. Since he began working on qTest, Craig has become a passionate advocate for the platform.
With over 12 years experience in the IT industry he is experienced in...
Clearvision is an innovative software services company and Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner. Clearvision has been servicing enterprises globally since 2005.