The EURADOS intercomparison IC2021area was carried out between May 2021 and April 2022 for 66 participating passive H*(10) area dosimetry systems from 47 different institutes and monitoring services. Three measurement conditions were provided at locations of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology: 3-months indoor, 3-months outdoor and 6-months outdoor. The challenge of this intercomparison was measuring additionally irradiated low dose radiation. Six dosemeters of each participating system were irradiated with Cs-137 gamma reference radiation: Three dosemeters with 150 μSv and three dosemeters with 300 μSv. Another six dosemeters of each participating system were not irradiated and were used for background dose subtraction. Typical values of the measured background dose were between 200 μSv and 450 μSv with a few significantly higher values up to 1.6 mSv. Despite the challenge of the low reference dose values, more than 90 % of the resulting response values of the irradiated dosemeters were within the recommended ISO 14146 trumpet curve response limits. The webinar gives a short overview on the intercomparison, including lessons learnt by the organizers and the experience made by one of the participants.”
Introduction to EURADOS WG3 - Environmental Dosimetry - Arturo Vargas
Introduction and Overview of the Intercomparison IC2021area - Julia Aslan
Results and measurement uncertainty of the CIEMAT TLD system in the IC2021area intercomparison - Rafael Rodríguez Jiménez
Feedback and Conclusions of the Intercomparison IC2021area - Christian Hranitzky
Dr. A. Vargas has a nuclear engineer PhD from the Technical University Catalonia (UPC) ( He joined the Institute of energy technologies (INTE) of the UPC in 1992 working in the research of radionuclide metrology and...
Head of the dosimetry laboratory at the division for safety and environment (SUM) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
B.Sc. for radiation protection, Julia is responsible for the Dosimetry laboratory of the KIT in Karlsruhe, Germany since 2013. The Laboratory with focus on passive area and partial body dosimetry is accredited according ISO/IEC 17025 since...
Head of research service of the Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry Unit of the Research Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology (CIEMAT)
PhD in Physics, Rafael is currently responsible of the CIEMAT external personal dosimetry laboratory, authorized by the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council since 1992. He is also responsible of the CIEMAT environmental and area dosimetry laboratory,...
Senior Engineer and Head of the Dosimetry Laboratory Seibersdorf of the Seibersdorf Labor GmbH
Dr. Christian Hranitzky, MAS is a technical physicist, responsible of the ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration, testing and verification laboratory Seibersdorf in Austria, he has research experience in the dosimetry of external ionizing radiation...