Struggling to make homeschool decisions? In this session, learn how to set realistic time limits to avoid overthinking and take action. We'll also explore how to identify your top priorities and align your choices with what truly matters. Gain practical tools to streamline your decision-making and feel empowered in your homeschooling journey.

  • 1685724234-632f60c4cf9eea44
    Community & Social Media Manager, Sonlight Mom
    Sunny has loved books for as long as she can remember. Her own parents discovered Sonlight at a convention and knew the literature and history focus would be perfect for her. She never planned to homeschool her own children past pre-k, but when her daughter learned to read, she was hooked. She has educated both of her children entirely with Sonlight. In her spare time, Sunny enjoys reading (of course), musicals, hiking, and being in or near water.
  • 1737064521-b03bd41b8204e8fa
    Homeschool Veteran, Sonlight Mentor
    With a degree in secondary English education, Sonlight was an obvious choice when Sheila DelCharco decided to homeschool her three children. When her oldest asked to go to a small Christian high school, Sheila was concerned about how he would transition to the classroom environment. Her fears were laid to rest when she saw his first report card, and even more so when she sat in on a class. He graduated high school with honors and has graduated from the University of Florida in Finance. Her other two children homeschooled through high school and were accepted to the honor's program at the University of North Florida. Sheila is convinced that exposing them to all those books over the years is what led them to this point. Because of her passion for literature-based learning, she is a veteran Sonlight consultant, drawn on her own experience when speaking with families at homeschool conventions for the past 18+ years.
  • 1737064636-59805b502f1ee463
    Homeschool Veteran, Sonlight Sales Rep
    Lisa is the mom of three wonderful children, two of whom are married. Her youngest is a freshman in college this year. Lisa’s oldest went to public school from the beginning and she homeschooled the younger two with Sonlight. Lisa has used every level from B-400. When she is not homeschooling she enjoys running, going to the beach, reading and sewing.
  • 1737064643-f0c4f55cab4df0c9
    Homeschool Mom, Sonlight Mentor
    Since 2002, Amber has homeschooled all five of her children using Sonlight. Her oldest four children have graduated, and her youngest is still attending Severance Prep (as an 9th grader). Besides caring for her home and family, Amber is involved in ministry at her church. (In her former life, she was a basketball coach and gets to do that once-in-awhile as the need arises!) Even after homeschooling for 20+ years, she still has much to learn and needs encouragement — She's excited to be on this journey with you!