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How to Reduce Your Notes by 80% (Better Than Cornell Notes & Anki) - Free ATAR Series Webinar (Stream 1)

About This Webinar

Do you spend hours writing notes in class or after school, but struggle to remember half of what you wrote a week later? Do you spend almost 80% of all of your studying and class time just writing down notes, bullet points and key points? Maybe you don’t even have time to review all your notes! Or do you not write any notes and just “listen”, or potentially rely on commonplace and partially effective techniques like summary notes?

Note-taking is a surprisingly technical skill. Decades ago, we thought writing more notes was better, but modern research overwhelmingly shows that it’s much more complicated than this! Not writing notes is bad, writing too many notes is bad, and even writing just the right amount of notes can be dramatically more or less effective depending on your techniques.

Let us teach you the note-taking strategies that are proven to help students remember more and spend less time writing, that less than 3% of the students we work with have ever used before.

This webinar will teach you why some notes work, why some notes don’t, and why some notes APPARENTLY work and are even taught to students, while research shows that it can even make things worse. After this webinar, you’ll never look at another #studygram post the same way again.

This webinar is for students who are serious about achieving top grades, want to save time, and are keen to learn how to write notes in a style used by top-achieving students in the world’s most demanding universities and schools.

- How does your note-taking technique influence your exam grades?
- What is linear note-taking and why do learning researchers not recommend it?
- How do different note-taking techniques rank against each other in terms of effectiveness?
- What note-taking techniques are the most effective for students under high-pressure or aiming for top 1% results?
- How you can turn these techniques into something personally individualised for your unique learning strengths.

After learning these techniques, one of our students was even interviewed by their teachers and asked to give a school-wide workshop because they had never seen anyone in their school write notes this way and achieve such class-leading results!

You’ll walk away from this webinar with a clear understanding of what aspects of your note-taking can be improved, and which aspects can be ditched and discarded.

  • How does your note-taking technique influence your exam grades?
  • What is linear note-taking and why do learning researchers not recommend it?
  • How do different note-taking techniques rank against each other in terms of effectiveness?
  • What note-taking techniques are the most effective for students under high-pressure or aiming for top 1% results?
  • How you can turn these techniques into something personally individualised for your unique learning strengths.
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter iCanStudy
iCanStudy Co-founder/Head of Learning
Justin is a medical doctor and certified teacher, graduating from the University of Auckland with an MBChB and a BMedSci – First Class Honours, currently completing a Master of Education at Monash University. He has been awarded a distinction in five clinical specialties throughout his training and has co-authored four research publications in New Zealand and international journals. Passionate about creating a positive impact through education, Justin helped establish Social Innovation New Zealand, the country’s largest student group for social enterprise, obtained a Tertiary Teaching and Learning certificate and eventually founded a non-profit organisation for academic empowerment in youth.

Since 2011, he has coached research-based academic skills for almost 3000 students across 9 countries, helping secondary and tertiary students receive top 0.1% results. Justin also hosts the SubCut podcast and serves as an academic skills advisor for secondary schools alongside local government organisations.
Webinar hosting presenter
iCanStudy Co-founder/Head of Strategy
Attended (177)