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Women and Retirement: A customized guide to investing and financial planning
Friday, January 1, 2021 · 2:00 p.m.
Women have a unique set of life circumstances that can affect outcomes when planning for their financial future including living an average 6-8 years longer than men! We will highlight opportunities and potential threats in addition to their unique behaviors of investing that make them on average BETTER investors than men and how to design a plan that is full proof no matter what family and career choices they make along the way.
Why women may need to plan and save in a different way than men
What child rearing years can mean for your retirement and how to plan for it
Why women consistently outperform men on their investments
How to calculate for the extended 6-8 year additional life span women typically see compared to men
The benefits of husband and wife partners jointly managing investments and retirement plans as a team
Friday, January 1, 2021 · 2:00 p.m.
Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Joe is a registered CFP®, educator, author, and speaker with over 38 years of experience, who specializes in Wealth Transfer. In the past, Joe was a featured panelist for both The Denver Post and The Rocky Mountain News. Joe was also a regular...