On our last webinar we spoke about skills based hiring and how it is changing the recruitment landscape, very focused on the retail industry.

This time we will go deeper and we will address issues with traditional recruitment on all industries.

Are you losing candidates by not evaluating them all? Are making good judgement calls by looking at past experience and assuming it is a good performance predictor? Is your recruitment process engaging enough that candidates don't drop out?

Even if you feel your company is not ready for this change, it's important that you know what's coming so you can be prepared when the time for change arrives.
  • 9h30 | Intro by Hugo Bernardes
  • 9h35 | What is Skill Based Hiring?
  • 9h45 | Is the CV going to die?
  • 10h| Different Industry Case Studies
  • 10h20 | How hard is it to change and apply?
  • 10h25 | Closing remarks
Hugo Bernardes
Managing Partner at The Key Talent Portugal
Hugo will be the host of this webinar, introducing our guest and making all those important questions that we know you are really eager to learn the answers.
Maya Huber
CEO & Co-Founder at TaTio
Maya is the CEO & Co-founder of TaTiO. She is our guest speaker and will share her knowledge about skill based hiring and why simulations are one of the largest trends in recruitment worldwide.
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