How has the current pandemic accelerated the rate of implementation of digitalization and technologies? For the past 15 months, both the power generation and chemical processing sectors were pushed toward a greater level of remote communications, remote monitoring, and increased pandemic-mitigation protocols. In this webinar, end-users will share their experiences with digital twins, remote operation centers, augmented reality systems, and other technology applications during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presenters will discuss how these digital technologies supported operations during the pandemic and how they might be used in the future.
Sr. Program Manager Enabling Technology & Asset Management Generation at Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Michael is currently the Senior Program Manager for the Generation Sector’s Enabling Technology and Asset Management group. This group’s research consists of cross-function work that aligns with varying aspects of the energy transformation...
Matt Peters leads data automation programs for 3M in the Industrial Adhesives and Tape Division. He has pioneered digital technology at 3M facilities working alongside the Digital Shop Floor team. Matt has over 10 years of experience in...
Chairman for the Generation Technology Leadership Team (TLT) supporting Southern Company Generation
Steven is the Compliance & Support Manager at Barry Steam Plant with Alabama Power Company. Since 2010, Steven has served Plant Barry in several roles, including the site Maintenance Manager, Operations Manager, and Combined Cycle / CoGen Plant...