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Can Automation & Productization Boost Profitability Without Losing Your Edge?

About This Webinar

Operating a profitable, project-based agency or consultancy in a cautious economy is tough.

Like, it’s really, really tough.

In fact, sometimes it seems like the only two options are to grind against low margins to deliver custom, bespoke work, or to become a widget factory and join a commodified race to the bottom.

But in 2025 — with all its tools and data and automation and other gadgets — shouldn’t there be some middle ground?

If you and your teams have been endlessly trying to streamline the seemingly unstreamlinable world of professional services, this one’s for you.
We’re getting together a panel of industry experts to rattle the cage and dispel myths around automating professional services and productization to increase profitability without sacrificing what makes your agency or consultancy unique.

This will be a live event, so anything can happen! But I’m reasonably sure you’ll leave knowing…
- How productizing your value is different from productizing your services
- How to convert your rat’s nest of a tech stack into a data-driven “operating system” for your business
- How team culture and client relationships work to support productization and process automation
- A few examples of how professional services automation can help… and where it can hinder!

We’ll also set aside time for a live Q&A session with our speakers. Don’t miss this chance to get your most pressing questions answered by industry leaders who have been in your shoes and have successfully navigated these challenges.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Chief Strategy Officer
Joe is the Chief Strategy Officer at Accelo, shaping the company’s vision for scalable growth and operational excellence. With extensive experience in SaaS strategy and leadership, he specializes in driving business transformation and empowering teams to deliver impactful solutions for service-based businesses.
Webinar hosting presenter
Founder & Principal Consultant
Brian is Lodestar’s Founder and Principal Consultant. Brian developed Lodestar’s solutions based on his 20+ years as a leader in brand strategy, interactive, product design, and full-service agencies across the US. He incorporates concepts and tools from Agile, Lean, and other management innovations and future-of-work movements into his approach to help agencies develop focused, value-driven offerings and operating models.
Webinar hosting presenter
Melisa is the founder of Agency Authority, a PM and operations consultancy for agency owners. She leverages over 10 years of agency experience to help business owners maximize their team, increase their productivity, and grow their profits.
Webinar hosting presenter
Co-Founder & Lead Instructor at The Digital Project Manager
I am a digital project management nerd, a cultivator of highly collaborative teams, and an impulsive sharer of knowledge. For the past decade, I've been shaping and delivering human-centered digital transformation initiatives in government, healthcare, transit, and retail. I'm also the co-founder of The Digital Project Manager and host of The DPM Podcast.
Hosted By
The Digital Project Manager webinar platform hosts Can Automation & Productization Boost Profitability Without Losing Your Edge?
The Digital Project Manager is the home of digital project management inspiration, how-to guides, tips, tricks, tools, funnies, and jobs. We provide project management guidance and training for the digital Wild West—where crazy clients, tiny budgets and stupid deadlines reign supreme.