Higher education institutions are highly internationalised, their staff and students frequently mobile across the EHEA and beyond. Preliminary data from EUA’s survey on greening suggests that a large share of institutions have made efforts to address environmental sustainability at the core of their missions.

The first edition of the EUA webinar series “Greening in European higher education institutions” will explore the impact of institutional strategies and approaches for greening and how these are changing the landscape of internationalisation and mobility. The discussion will bring together representatives of several higher education networks and institutions, as well as the European Commission. Institutional approaches to decreasing the carbon footprint of internationalisation, and opportunities and support from the European funding programmes, will be showcased.
  • 1621424364-a5e90d3ce9ed3fe3
    Marlene Bartes
    European Commission, DG Education and Culture
  • C
    Chris Litwiniuk
    University of Edinburgh, UNICA Network
  • D
    Arnim Heinemann
    University of Bayreuth, SGroup
  • 1621424712-2bb36a38d61d2ad8
    Michael Gaebel
    Director, Higher Education Policy, EUA
  • 1621424818-be9ef5789f793f88
    Henriette Stoeber
    Chair, EUA