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ADHDer雜物整理小技巧 Tips for ADHDers to tidy up their home



Many ADHDers are easily distracted, easy to forget where things are placed, have no motivation to declutter their homes. If you understand your own characteristics and find a suitable way to declutter, you will become a brilliant organizer. In this webinar, Ms Orange, the Founder of JuppUk Decluttering Services Company, will share with you a set of tips designed for ADHDer to declutter and tidy up.

參與權限: 每個人
會議價格: 免費
Webinar hosting presenter
阿橙是「執屋‧告別雜物」創辦人和香港專業整理收納協會Hong Kong Association of Professional Organizing (HAPO)創會會長。她是香港首位整理師,提拱全天候或針對性雜物管理、上門執屋減物、空間規劃、諮詢、整理收納講座及工作坊等服務,已為超過200多個家庭提供上門整理服務。她她曾接受超過50個報紙、雜誌、電視、電台、網上 媒體等訪問和介紹。已為多個社福機構、慈善團體、政府部門、院校及私人企業提供超過150場講座或工作坊培訓。她是書籍《執屋──50 個告別雜物提案》作者。
阿橙擁有香港大學經濟及金融系學士學位。現時為美國National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) 的專業會員,以及為英國 Association of Professional Declutterers & Organisers (APDO)國際會員,也是在這兩個機構註冊的首位香港人。

她擁有美國 Board of Certification for Professional Organizers (BCPO®)的Certified Professional Organizer(CPO)®;美國NAPO的Residential Organising(家居整理)及Workplace Productivity(工作場所生產力)的Specialist Certificate (專家資格證明);美國Institute for Challenging Disorganization® (ICD) Level II Hoarding Specialist;美國 Institute for Challenging Disorganization® (ICD)) Level II Chronic Disorganization Specialist®。
她擁有日本Japan Association of Life Organizers(JALO)Master Life Organizer資格,以及日本Japan Association of Life Organizers(JALO) 一級生活規劃整理師。

Ms. Orange is a Founder of JuppUk Decluttering Services Company and a Founder and President of the Hong Kong Association of Professional Organizing (HAPO). She is Hong Kong’s first Professional Organizer, providing clutter consultation, on-site organizing, seminars & workshops. She has offered over 200 on-site organizing and decluttering cases since 2016. She has been featured in over 50 interviews on TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, and online media. She has participated in over 150 seminars and workshops with Government bodies, NGOs, schools, and universities, corporations, etc. She is an author of “Tidy Up Your Home- 50 Tips on Decluttering”.

Ms. Orange obtained a bachelor's degree in Economic and Finance at the University of Hong Kong. She is a Professional Member registered by the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) in the United States and an International Member registered by the Association of Professional Declutterers & Organisers (APDO) in the United Kingdom. She is the first Hong Kong person who registered with these two organizations. She obtained the Specialist Certificate of Residential Organizing and Workplace Productivity from NAPO in the United States. She is a Certified Professional Organizer (CPO®) of the Board of Certification for Professional Organizers (BCPO®) in the United States. She is a Level II Hoarding Specialist and a Level II Chronic Disorganization Specialist® of the Institute for Challenging Disorganization® in the United States. She is a Master Life Organizer of Japan Association of Life Organizers (JALO). She obtained the Life Organizer Level 1 Certificate of Japan Association of Life Organizers (JALO).
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