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The Psychology of Persuasion: Simple Hacks for Sales & Marketing Success

About This Webinar

Did you know that people trust the color blue the most? Or that the word “because” can increase conversion by 26%? These are just just two of many fascinating tidbits you can use to influence your buyers - and we’re excited to share more with you!

In our webinar on Wednesday, July 31 at 1pm EST, Hatch and EverConnect are teaming up to teach you five psychological effects, and the simple but powerful ways you can use them for more effective sales and marketing.

You’ll learn:
• Why the font you use matters
• How customers make decisions on your website
• The best ways to stay in someone’s memory...and more!

Use these to improve your ads, landing pages, referral programs, quote follow-ups, customer communication, and the list goes on.

Register now and prepare to be fascinated!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Vice President of Sales, EverConnect
Attended (92)