Initiative partner: Trina Solar
Tracking is worth the effort when the skies are blue, and there is a high degree of direct irradiation, especially in regions 37° north or south of the equator. This is where the yield gains typically exceed the additional costs of acquiring and running a tracker. The advent of bifacial modules promises to further increase this yield. When using bifacial modules, however, the tracking algorithm must be changed, and the tilt angle must be adjusted in a way to maximize the sum of front and rear side yield.
In this pv magazine webinar, Trina Solar will showcase its turnkey solution, TrinaPro. The system uses trackers from Trina subsidiary Nclave, equipped with the new algorithm that finds the right balance between front and rear side yield. Additionally, the system will be on offer with bespoke n-type glass-glass half-cut modules that feature a partial frame. Trina promises an up to 30% yield boost compared to monofacial fixed-tilt installations. Klaus Hofmeister, product manager Europe at Trina Solar will explain how these gains are achieved.
How can we know what additional benefits to expect from a particular site before the system has been installed? A look into the new guidelines for measuring rear side gains of bifacial modules, IEC TS 60904 gives some answers. Kyumin Lee, Engineering Manager of CFV Solar Test Laboratory will provide insights into the nitty-gritty of combining product factsheet data, testing results, and tracking specs to produce meaningful and comprehensive yield simulations.
• Trina’s new turnkey tracking solution TrinaPro with Nclave trackers and n-type modules with partial frames
• Advantages of partial framing
• Differences between monofacial and bifacial tracking systems
• How does the new algorithm determine the optimal gains of front and rear side?
• Example calculation (additional costs vs. additional income)
• How can one simulate the additional bifacial gain for large-scale plants featuring Trackers?
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This webinar was recorded on 4 July 2019.