Ken Molay, president of Webinar Success, presents tips to help you plan and execute effective lead generation webinars. You set a tone for interaction with your prospects from initial promotion and marketing of an event through registration and pre-event communications. Your presentation content and the way you deliver it determine whether your audience will advance along the sales cycle or drop out of your opportunity list.
Learn how to encourage more registrations and capitalize on attendance to create real sales leads. Find out what mistakes companies often make in their marketing webinars and discover easy ways to avoid them. Enjoy greater responsiveness and participation by your prospects, leading to easier sales communications and higher conversion percentages.
This seminar is appropriate for producers and presenters of business lead generation webinars. It is valuable for those currently using webinars in their business and for those just getting started with webinars as a new marketing channel. A live question and answer session will let you guide the session to concentrate on topics of the most interest and benefit to you.
Webinar ID
How to create promotional materials that attract your target audience
Understanding tradeoffs between lead scoring and lead attrition
Tips for getting registrants to attend your session
Best practices for structuring persuasive presentation content
Ways to structure an effective call to action
Ken Molay
President - Webinar Success
I provide consulting and support services for companies using webinars and web conferencing to communicate with employees, customers, prospects, and partners.