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DoubleCAD 6 - Snap Tool Exercises

About This Webinar

This webinar covers hands-on exercises for learning the best ways to use the snap modes in DoubleCAD. Download the DoubleCAD example file and watch the instructor complete each exercise before you try it yourself in the program. This Watch-and-Do method of learning reinforces the concepts that are vital to use this program successfully. Each of the snap modes are covered in showing how to successfully ensure complete precision when needed. All keyboard shortcuts and best practises are discussed. Whether you are new to DoubleCAD or an experianced user this webinar has important productivity tips and tricks for you!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter IMSI Design
TurboCAD Business Development & Sales for IMSI Design, LLC
+20 years experience with TurboCAD since inception in South Africa
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IMSI webinar platform hosts DoubleCAD 6 - Snap Tool Exercises
IMSI Design Webinars