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  • On-demand
    This webinar covers hands-on exercises for learning the best ways to use the snap modes in DoubleCAD. Download the DoubleCAD example file and watch the instructor complete each exercise before you try it yourself in the program. This Watch-and-Do ...
  • On-demand
    In this webinar we show real-world examples of how TurboCAD customers have designed models in TurboCAD and then created them in the real world. We then show a hands on example how to create dovetails in 3D in TurboCAD.
  • On-demand
    This webinar will give you a quick introduction to the basic layout and features of the DoubleCAD 6 program
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    Tuesday, February 4, 2020 ยท 2:02 PM PST
IMSI Design Webinars