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Woodworking in TurboCAD

About This Webinar

In this webinar we show real-world examples of how TurboCAD customers have designed models in TurboCAD and then created them in the real world. We then show a hands on example how to create dovetails in 3D in TurboCAD.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter IMSI Design
Business development and sales for IMSI Design
Robert Berry is the leading TurboCAD expert in the world. Originally from South Africa, he emigrated to the US over 20 years ago when TurboCAD was purchased by IMSI Design. He has served in several capacities for the company including past roles as Product Manager and Director. He knows TurboCAD products inside out, acquiring a broad skillset that helps users master the software quickly.

He has given presentations on TurboCAD internationally at trade shows, press tours and corporate demonstrations. He has trained personnel at HUD, the US Air Force, the Board of Elections, Boeing, the Blue Man Group, and the Jamaica Business Development Corporation.
Hosted By
IMSI webinar platform hosts Woodworking in TurboCAD
IMSI Design Webinars