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Avoiding Blind Spots in Your Research: Getting a 360-Degree View of the Consumer

About This Webinar

We recognize the clear benefits of incorporating System 1 and behavioral-based learning along with consumer co-creation and ideation. But the challenge is incorporating all aspects, all the time.

If on any given project we’re not capturing the full picture of what people think, what they feel, what they do and what they want, then we have a blind spot in our insights and the business actions we take based on them.

In this session, we’ll use real examples to illustrate the blind spots that can happen when we don’t have the full picture of the consumer and how that changes business decisions. With specific cases, we’ll illustrate how the insights and recommendations change as you remove each aspect – and demonstrate how the strongest insights and recommendations happen when we have the total view.

We’ll show you how we can quickly and cost-effectively ensure we capture the total view of the consumer in every engagement or iteratively across several smaller engagements. We’ll also include a sneak peek at our new Consumer Activation System™, which is expressly designed to quickly and easily activate consumers to capture what they think, feel, do and want in order to answer a wide range of research objectives

Key Takeaways:
• The impact on business decisions when research does not capture the full picture of what consumers think, feel, do and want – using real case studies.
• How you can quickly and cost-effectively ensure you are capturing a 360-degree view of what consumers think, feel, do and want in every engagement.
• An understanding of Catalyx’s Consumer Activation System™, our unique approach to capturing consumers’ thoughts, feelings, desires and behaviors and turning them into brand-building, action-focused insight.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Editor for Quirk's Marketing Research Review
Webinar hosting presenter
Managing Director, USA at Catalyx
Attended (86)