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Contextual Calibration: Guiding LLMs to Understand Your Customer Feedback

About This Webinar

If you've been following the news avidly, you may have caught a glimpse of the fact that AI is about to transform the insights industry.

One of the applications developed the furthest is the automated analysis of CX, survey or employee feedback data. While the general understanding of modern large language models is impressive, one major challenge remains: contextualization.

How can the AI be taught the jargon, industry knowledge or company-internal topic-naming with minimal effort?

In this session, Maurice Gonzenbach, Co-Founder of Caplena and machine-learning engineer, will share how fine-tuning is implemented at companies such as eBay, Lufthansa and DHL today and how the effort involved has been reduced by a factor of 10 compared to a few years ago.

Finally, we will reveal which new strategies are currently being developed in the AI workshop in order to solve the contextualization even more interactively and efficiently in the future.

Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Co-Founder of Caplena