Americans aged 50 and older are the largest, fastest growing and most influential age group in the country. Their views and behaviors have the power to impact a variety of industries and sectors, and we’re now in a time when ignoring this important and constantly evolving group is both risky and shortsighted.
For companies and organizations creating policies, products and services that impact them, accurate and dependable insights are vital. With nonprobability samples being prone to gaps that can produce misleading data, a new solution was needed.
Enter Foresight 50+, the largest high-quality survey panel on the age 50+ demographic. In this presentation featuring senior research leaders from AARP and NORC at the University of Chicago, we’ll explore how Foresight 50+ has answered the call, why scientific rigor and representative recruiting make all the difference in gaining accurate insights from this age group, and compelling insights garnered from real studies through the Foresight 50+ panel.