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Using Open Ends in Product Testing: Understanding Consumer Feedback without Bias

About This Webinar

The combination of quickly evolving consumer preferences with accelerated product innovation makes the need for product testing that truly identifies differentiated attributes a critical capability. And while the techniques for engaging consumers may be evolving, capturing feedback without observation bias remains at the forefront for brands and researchers.

In this presentation, leaders from Blueberry and Canvs AI will share how they analyze open-ended questions from product feedback research studies to identify how consumers feel about a product and the key attributes that influence their feedback. This session will explore how Blueberry uses AI-enabled text analysis to both accelerate and deepen their insights from consumers.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Vice President, Blueberry
Webinar hosting presenter
Director of Sales, Canvs AI
Hosted By
Quirk's Media webinar platform hosts Using Open Ends in Product Testing: Understanding Consumer Feedback without Bias
Quirk's Media Virtual Sessions
Attended (60)