Department of Homeland Security/MGMT
2022 DHS CFO Training Symposium: On-Demand Sessions
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Workforce Development
On-Demand Sessions
On-Demand: Work-Life for You at DHS
Learn about Work-Life program events, webinars, wellness initiatives, Employee Assistance Program (EAP) information, healthy tips, fi...
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On-Demand: USASpending – Vision for Today and Tomorrow
How much money has the United States government collected and spent? Where does the money come from? Where does the money go? While U...
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On-Demand DATA Act Update
DATA Act requirements are dynamic and constantly changing to meet current needs. The session will cover recent and upcoming changes t...
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On-Demand: The Evidence Act and Establishing a DHS Evaluation Function
A discussion regarding the Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 (the Evidence Act). Residing in PA&E, this function: 1) positions...
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