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Say goodbye to skyrocketing customer acquisition costs and hello to sustainable profits

Join us on July 16th for an exclusive virtual event

Dive deep into strategies, tactics, and insights that’ll help you tackle the challenges of rising CAC head-on. Our expert panel of experts from Sendlane, Gorgias, Digioh, Malomo and Aplo Group will dish out actionable tips and proven techniques to amp up customer retention, boost lifetime value, and fuel sustainable growth.


Cracking the Code

Scalable Retention Strategies to Combat Rising CAC

  • Address the challenge of rising customer acquisition costs with effective solutions.
  • Achieve more with fewer resources in today’s competitive market.
  • Optimize existing customer orders to mitigate high CAC.
  • Create genuine 1:1 experiences at scale to enhance conversions.
  • Minimize friction, such as unsubscribes and cart abandonment, to boost retention and profitability.
  • Increase AOV and revenue using the convenience and power of email marketing.
  • Prioritize retention as the cornerstone of sustainable growth amidst rising CAC.
  • Gain actionable tips and proven techniques to enhance customer retention.
  • Implement strategies to maximize customer lifetime value and drive long-term growth.

Presented by:

Jimmy Kim


Founder & CIO

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Blake Imperl


VP of Marketing

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Liam Veregin

Aplo Group

Founding Partner

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Michael Klonoff


Tech Partner Manager

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Yaw Aning


Co-Founder & CEO

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Thank you to our partners

Cracking the Code: Scalable Retention Strategies to Combat Rising CAC