Special Offer: Get 50% off your first 2 months when you do one of the following
Personalized offer codes will be given in each session
Step Up Skill
  • Cyber Careers Bootcamp
    The Step Up Skill cybersecurity boot camp is an excellent resource for high school students interested in tech. Joining this boot camp is a fun way for young professionals to learn topics and skills required for a career in cybersecurity. The boot...
  • Cyber Careers Bootcamp
    The Step Up Skill cybersecurity boot camp is an excellent resource for high school students interested in tech. Joining this boot camp is a fun way for young professionals to learn topics and skills required for a career in cybersecurity. The boot...
Step Up Skill provides military veterans, women, and professionals from underserved communities pathways to economic prosperity through high-paying cybersecurity careers.
At the same time, provide schools, small businesses, community organizations, security awareness training, frameworks, and risk assessments.
Step Up Skill is a public charity exempt under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 501(c)(3)