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Beyond FAQs: Building robust self-serve with AI

About This Webinar

Today, customers overwhelmingly prefer the option to resolve their queries and issues on their own. 96% of customers first explore self-serve options where they don’t have to speak to an agent, however only 8% believe they are able to meaningfully resolve issues by themselves. Amongst Gen Z customers, 40% report they will abandon a service issue when unable to resolve it on their own.
Brands can no longer rely on cookie-cutter chatbots and generic FAQs to meet the rising tide of customer expectations. Contact centers are making a remarkable shift from assisted channels to self-service. The future belongs to companies that can master the effective use of AI and automation to solve the more-than-basic queries via self-service.
Join us for an interactive Virtual Round Table with industry thought leaders, led by CXN’s Analyst, Rhiannon Chandler, who will moderate and brainstorm a forum on how AI is evolving self-service featuring Care Specialist, Alan Gibson from Sprinklr.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free