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After Child Loss
  • Monday, September 25, 2023 · 8:00 PM EDT
    Child loss grief is a beast. While society would like us to rush back to life and be the person we were before, we are irrevocably changed. We aren't taught how to grieve a loss like this or re-enter life after. Emily Graham, Grief & Life Coach, w...
  • Tuesday, August 15, 2023 · 8:30 PM EDT
    Join Emily Graham (Grief Coach) & Jeff Janssen (Author of "Comforting Truths From Heaven: 10 Reassuring Reasons Not to Fear Death and What Comes Next) for a discussion around what happens when we die.

    Jeff has studied 5K+ near-death experiences....
  • Friday, May 5, 2023 · 8:30 PM EDT
    Mother's Day can be a really difficult holiday, especially in those early years of grief. Emily will be talking about her own experience with this holiday over the last 7 years, and more importantly, sharing some tips and tools that will help you ...
  • Monday, December 12, 2022 · 8:30 PM EST
    Join Emily Graham (Grief Coach) & Rachel Pearson (Evidential Medium) for a discussion around "all things" mediumship. Both are mothers with sons on the other side. Both are fully convinced our kids are still here with us, just in a different way....
  • Sunday, November 20, 2022 · 7:00 PM EST
    The holidays can feel extra heavy and challenging as a bereaved parent. Join Emily Graham, author of Confessions of Child Loss, for a discussion on how we survive the holidays (and maybe even have moments of peace) after the loss of a child.

    Not ...
  • Wednesday, May 5, 2021 · 8:00 PM EDT
    Do you feel
    ... shattered after the loss of your child?
    ... like no one "gets it"?
    ... unsure how to move forward?
    ... stuck in a cycle of pain?

    Learn from a group of caring bereaved mothers as they share how they survived, how they carry this gr...
24/7 Webinars
  • Blank-4
    Sunday, April 14, 2019 · 8:56 PM EDT