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Why Don’t You Make like a Tree and Get out of Here—Breaking up with Contacts

About This Webinar

Associations are sitting on troves of data. With so many data sources in play, it's easy to fall into the "collect and forget" trap. All too often, associations allow their contact volume to build up without instituting a cleaning or categorization strategy.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Director of Services
Maneesha Manges is a seasoned digital marketing professional with over 15 years of experience working in multiple markets and global companies.
Webinar hosting presenter
Chris is a skilled solution-seeker, well versed in association-specific needs that require leveraging data across technology platforms, and building relevant solutions.
Hosted By
HighRoad Solutions webinar platform hosts Why Don’t You Make like a Tree and Get out of Here—Breaking up with Contacts
We educate and equip association marketing professionals with the right knowledge to succeed in the digital marketing landscape.
Attended (83)