SAME Environmental COI

About Environmental COI Webinars

To fully experience our on-demand webinars, you must first register. You can register for the entire series by clicking the START Webinars button above OR register for individual sessions by clicking on your selected webinar below. Once registered, you will be able to play the video, access the presentation and PDH editable certificate (if applicable) at the end of the web page under Documents.
Environmental COI Webinars
  • SAME Environmental COI Webinar: PFAS Sampling Considerations and Analytical Chemistry
  • SAME Environmental COI IGE Project Webinar: A Reintroduction to PFAS
  • SAME Environmental COI Webinar: What's Up with PFAS in Air?
  • SAME Environmental COI Webinar: Underwater Munitions Response Sites and the Challenges with Site Management
  • SAME Environmental COI Webinar: Resilience isn't what you have, it's what you do!
  • SAME Environmental COI Webinar: PFAS Regulations and Other Organization Activities
  • New Perspectives on Horizontal Wells for Assessment and Remediation
  • USACE Engineer Research & Development Center (ERDC) Emerging Capabilities and Programs
  • JB Langley AFB Ft Eustis - Focusing on the Future, Now
  • SAME Environmental COI Webinar: Bio-Electro-Chemical Tools and Their Sustainability in Contaminants Remediation
  • SAME Environmental COI Webinar: Addressing Residual Hydrocarbon Concentrations Using Micron-Scale Carbon Injections at Three North Carolina Sites
  • SAME Environmental COI Webinar: Engineering With Nature and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • SAME ECOI & RCOI Webinar: Climate Resilient Remediation
  • SAME ECOI Webinar: PFAS Mobility and Conceptual Site Models
  • SAME ECOI: Post NEPA Environmental Management and Compliance: Soil and Water
  • SAME ECOI Webinar: IGE PFAS Considerations in Wastewater and Stormwater Permitting
  • SAME ECOI Webinar: Utilizing Magnetic Resonance Geophysics to Inform Site Investigation and Remediation
  • SAME ECOI Webinar: NEON: Data and Infrastructure to Understand Changing Ecosystems
  • SAME ECOI: Decades of Thermal Remediation: Breakthroughs & Challenges
  • SAME ECOI Webinar: PFAS IGE - Developing and Evaluating Alternatives for PFAS Treatment
  • ECOI Webinar: How Passive Samplers can Optimize and Reduce the Costs of Environmental Sampling Programs
  • SAME Environmental COI Webinar: Environmental Sequences Stratigraphy (ESS) in Practice
  • SAME Environmental COI Webinar: PFAS IGE - Analytical Methods Update: Practical Solutions to Remedial Challenges
  • A SAME IGE Webinar: PFAS IGE - PFAS 101 and PFAS Regulatory Update
  • SAME Environmental COI: A PFAS IGE Webinar: PFAS Waste Generation, Management, and Disposal
  • SAME Environmental COI Webinar: Creation of Sustainable and Affordable Continuous ISCO Reactive Zones
  • PFAS IGE Webinar: AFFF Transitions to F3: A Global Update for DoD and Civilian Agencies
  • SAME Environmental COI PFAS IGE Webinar: PFAS Water Treatment Technologies: Costs, Challenges, and Solutions
  • SAME Environmental COI Webinar: Identifying and Solving Vapor Intrusion Problems at Military Sites-- State of the Practice